by Leah | Oct 11, 2023 | Blog
As young children engage in their surroundings and attempt to make sense of the world, one of the first words they utter is ‘why?’ The insatiable desire of children to know ‘why’ is a spontaneous and normal reaction to the introduction of new stimuli. And as long...
by Leah | Oct 11, 2023 | Blog
When I suggested to my publisher that Max (MAX’S WORDS, MAX’S DRAGON, MAX’S CASTLE) transition from words to numbers they were elated. But when I wanted to call my new book MAX’S MATH the editorial staff and marketing department issued a collective cringe. ...
by Leah | Oct 11, 2023 | Blog
I love words. To me they are the pieces that have allowed me to construct the puzzle of my life and to understand and elaborate on the ‘puzzling’ parts of life. They have given me the ability to communicate, to share ideas and feelings, and to do what humans do...
by Leah | Oct 11, 2023 | Blog
(response to Picture Books Languishing, October 7, 2010) A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words I would like to remind parents, educators and the reading public of the value of interacting with a picture book, aside from the quiet pleasure of observation, an ever...
by Leah | Oct 11, 2023 | Blog
Try getting a teenager to read a quiet, reflective book, and you’ll probably get the response, “It’s boring. Nothing happens.” Teens today prefer stories that keep the adrenalin pumping, whether action packed thrillers or dark dramas which have...